Retake Server

Command :
connect OR connect

Train your retake skill. But what is retake exactly? The bomb will be planted at start, you as a CT must conquer it back or defend it as a T. The winner of the round takes the T side.


Perfect to train your skills in retaking a bomb in a 1v1. Or it's a good way to challenge your friends. Defend the bomb like a terrorist would do but own it back as if your life depends on it! You will be given a limited amount of equipment every round to master your opponent.

99% uptime

Our provider as we guarantee an uptime of 99%, making it one of the most available gaming servers provided.

In game commands

We do provide a lot of in game commands to track your progression, even for voting and getting vip.


Not only to we keep track on hwo you progress but this can be seen across servers!


Everything is in sync! You can either watch it all through our servers or just on our website!